God is in Control

This is a blog- something I'd only heard of before, but I have things to say and God willing, I will say them. It may be that I may be able to help someone in doubt and they may be able to help me because the Lord knows I sure don't have all the answers.

Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Toke Up, Obama! | Jesse Ventura Off The Grid - Ora TV

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

He is holy

I know, I know, here we go again- all this GOD talk. That's right! If it weren't for God, I wouldn't be alive- none of us would- and I sure wouldn't be the child of God I am today.

I love God, let's get that straight right off and then it'll be done. I believe in God. I believe Jesus Christ is the only way to God- he said so. I believe the Holy Spirit lives in me and guides me every day to accomplish the work that God has foreordained for me to do. I do it willingly and cheerfully because I love him and want to be faithful and obedient.

I'm no better than anyone. I'm just willing to be taught, disciplined, shaped and molded- again by the grace of God- I had little to do with it. I'm a sinner saved by grace. I sin, do bad things, get frustrated, angry and even run off at the mouth occassionally- ok, more than occassionally- when I should be quiet and just pray through the troubles that plague humanity.

I have opinions and I have a lot to say. Daily, I am in Bible study, whether it is actually sitting down reading it or going over the hundreds of verses I have memorized, thanks to my adoptive parents who taught me scripture and to God who gave me a brain to obsorb those scriptures. Praise his holy name!

God bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you peace!