God is in Control

This is a blog- something I'd only heard of before, but I have things to say and God willing, I will say them. It may be that I may be able to help someone in doubt and they may be able to help me because the Lord knows I sure don't have all the answers.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

He is holy

I know, I know, here we go again- all this GOD talk. That's right! If it weren't for God, I wouldn't be alive- none of us would- and I sure wouldn't be the child of God I am today.

I love God, let's get that straight right off and then it'll be done. I believe in God. I believe Jesus Christ is the only way to God- he said so. I believe the Holy Spirit lives in me and guides me every day to accomplish the work that God has foreordained for me to do. I do it willingly and cheerfully because I love him and want to be faithful and obedient.

I'm no better than anyone. I'm just willing to be taught, disciplined, shaped and molded- again by the grace of God- I had little to do with it. I'm a sinner saved by grace. I sin, do bad things, get frustrated, angry and even run off at the mouth occassionally- ok, more than occassionally- when I should be quiet and just pray through the troubles that plague humanity.

I have opinions and I have a lot to say. Daily, I am in Bible study, whether it is actually sitting down reading it or going over the hundreds of verses I have memorized, thanks to my adoptive parents who taught me scripture and to God who gave me a brain to obsorb those scriptures. Praise his holy name!

God bless you and keep you and make his face to shine upon you and give you peace!


  • At 11:34 AM, Blogger Chosen said…

    I enjoyed reading your blog Hiedi. I see you as a real person, down to earth and I love that in people.
    Those holier then thou christians, think we have to be as they are, or try to fool the world into thinking they are.
    I believe a pure heart is far more important to God then how we appear to be on the outside.
    I'm looking forward to reading more from you that is more up to date. Your FB Friend, Linda

  • At 11:11 AM, Blogger Unknown said…

    Thank you, Chosen. Appreciate that so much. I just saw this- I apologize for the delayed response but I've been really busy lately- just relocated from California back to Iowa where I used to live.


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